Sunday, April 29, 2007


Warm sun and fresh breezes through the green blades made another beautiful day today. I've made a play area for the birds outside so that they have a fairly secure home base from which to enjoy the outdoors. I fastened a birch branch down to the railing with some twine to make some chewable perches and there's a nice green potted plant underneath that they can fertilize. Almost an entire ecosystem. Not quite.


Today is Day 1 of My Palate Experiment.

Yesterday was Day 0 and didn't really count since brunch included French fries. Yum! Later meals were good though: fruits only.

So today, I've been ingesting water, celery and organic carrots and mushrooms. I figure I'll leave the sweet fruits for later, or else it'll be harder to eat the veggies. One of the birds is following along with me; he shredded some celery, chewed up baby carrots, but he refused both of those as soon as he got a nibble off the organic mushroom. I bet he goes for those umami flavours from the glutamate, just like his mommy. He also tends to gorge on whatever food he likes the most and needs to be encouraged to eat a more varied diet. I hope he hasn't inherited poor eating habits from me.

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