Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Cold Cry Mates

I ran a bunch of errands today and bought a nice warm pair of black yoga pants for myself. The strange thing was that, in the front of the shop, there was a large rack of bathing suits. Mental check. Swimsuits? In the winter? It just snowed a few days ago and shops are selling swimsuits already!

Maybe this means it's about time to sow the seeds in the garden. Do I sow because we're coming on to mid-April and I won't have my harvest unless I start soon? Or do I hold off because it still snows and I'm supposed to wait until "all danger of frost is past"? Maybe the snow doesn't count, as long as I don't actually see any frost. Damn, I wish it were warmer.

While I cry to myself about the injustice of the local climate and its consequences on my agricultural instincts, I'll share a scan of my favourite sticker in the whole wide world.

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