Saturday, April 28, 2007

Flavours On My Palate

To go along with my Spring cleaning, I'm planning to do a little experiment cleaning my tastebuds. In recent months, I've been eating a lot of strongly flavoured foods: my favourite spicy curries and fiery hot sauces, potato chips and other snacks high in salt and MSG, processed sugars thanks to my weakness for sour keys... I'd better stop describing all these or I'll never finish this experiment.

4 grapefruit
4 tangerines
8 pears
6 apples
2 figs
a bunch of grapes
5 sweet yellow/orange/red peppers
2 lb. baby carrots
1 lb. tomatoes
1 lb. of salad greens
a bunch of celery
pear yogurt
vanilla yogurt
various organic soy milks, rice drinks

1. Avoid all processed foods with added flavour, for a week or so.
2. Drink water. Avoid alcohol, sweetened juices, syrups, etc.
3. Eat healthy: only whole foods, vegetables and fruits.

I'll try to stick to plain raw fruits and veggies, and if I get desperate, I can break open some yogurt/rice/soy milk with some muesli. Or have a salad with a simple dressing (olive oil, vinegar, mustard, herbs, minimal/no spices, no sugar, no salt). If I really get desperate, maybe a vegetable/cheese sandwich with some mustard on whole wheat or multigrain. Let's hope it doesn't come to all that.

The goal is to cleanse my palate. By the end of the week, I am hoping my tastebuds won't be so accustomed to oversalting, oversweetening and overspicing. I want to taste everything vividly.

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