Sunday, November 05, 2006

Blame it on the Jalapeno

The season's over and the garden was a miserable failure. Out of all the jalapeno plants, I only got one stunted little pepper out of it. But, I have to admit he was a hot little guy -- Spiced up an eggplant dish all by himself! For the second year in a row, I couldn't get any tomatoes to ripen, even though I think I started the tomatoes early enough this year. I seeded them indoors, and then transplanted the seedlings. I got numerous green tomatoes but was too tired of them to even enjoy the ones I did harvest, so most of them ended up rotting. I got one or two yellowing-to-light-orangey tomatoes late in the season, while it was starting to get frosty, but the squirrels had taken big chunks out of those before I could beat them to it. Maybe I'll do better next year, if I don't give up on growing veggies during our balmy 10 degrees Celsius summer season.

I have started an experiment based on a bet with my friend who is getting his Ph. D. in Chemistry. I mentioned that a washed carrot will shrivel up faster than an unwashed carrot and Mr. Scientist disagreed. The bet is on: Two carrots marked, one washed, both placed side-by-side back in the fridge. More to come!

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