Sunday, September 24, 2006

Only Fruit

A belated garden update: About a week after my first pepper, I was looking at my garden wilting and suddenly saw a huge zucchini on the ground, a good 40 cm long, 10 cm in diameter and heavy. I have no idea how long this gigantic fruit had been growing clandestinely under the leaves, but either it'd been undercover for a while, or the plant had an abrupt growth spurt and died, leaving all its energy in this single mammoth squash. I detached the fruit, which fed me for the next two weeks, but nothing I could do would revive the wilting plant. I have a feeling that this is the only zucchini coming out of my garden this year. I wonder if I realize how many parents sacrifice their lives when they bear offspring.

It's been a cold summer.

It's not summer anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a beautiful way you have of honouring the gift bestowed upon you by the great mother of squashes, i hope you felt her nourishment!