Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Carrot Experiment

I am undertaking research on the effects of dihydrogen monoxide on the Daucus carota. Do the unwashed survive longer than the washed? Does cleaning hasten the effects of old age? Basically, my friend Mr. Scientist, bet me that a washed carrot does not shrivel up faster than an unwashed carrot.

Hydrogen oxide
Two whole samples of Daucus carota of approximately equal size, from the same source
Sharpie black permanent marker

1. Wash one specimen in dilute hydrogen oxide.
2. Label both specimen.
3. Store both in same location and record results.

Hour 0: Both carrots similar in appearance. Lab Assistant labels control specimen "Dirty" and washed specimen "W" near tops.

Hour 45: Skin of W carrot has light white lines on the surface and appears a bit dry. Dirty carrot appears fresh on the surface. Both carrots fairly firm.

Hour 72: W carrot looks dry, with more whitish lines crossing the skin. Skin of W carrot feels soft and wrinkled to the touch. Dirty carrot remains firm.

[to be continued]

1 comment:

nate said...

omg lol

u truly have a scientific mind! ^_^