Thursday, November 29, 2007

Loro música

Right now, I'm listening to a jazzy interpretation of Ravel’s Boléro by Jacques Loussier Trio. The birds really like it! One of the birds burst into impromptu mating song, syncopating his phrases with the beat of the Boléro. I've added it to the birds' playlist in iTunes, but they hardly ever use my computer. Bird C did type out a happy face once while I was working though. It made sense for him to type that out before anything else, since he IS the happy-go-lucky one. =)

The other week, I went to watch an Anton Kuerti piano master class. The master class was fascinating for a listener: it made me conscious of all these little distinctions in playing and interpretation that I wouldn't necessarily have thought of before. Kuerti advocated the Fresh Finger Rule for ornamentations for the student who played Mozart's Piano Sonata in D Major. What really impressed me was how Kuerti would demonstrate on his piano and have this beautiful sound come out in just a bar or two. I heard him play at a recital years ago, and his playing was beautiful then, as well -- but hearing two people play the same notes, back-to-back, both on Steinway grands, made Kuerti's mastery really obvious. I don't know how he gets that gorgeous tone with just a few notes... He must have magic, soulful hands.

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