Saturday, September 15, 2007

Feathered Glue

Since my schedule's been so busy lately, I haven't had much time to spend with the birds. Yesterday I finally had some time, and the weather was good, so we went outside to hang out while I tried to get some work done.

B must have missed me a lot from the week, because he was all over me like a feathered glue. He'd clamber up my front to sit on my shoulder, but not in the demanding self-interested way he usually does, just to get a choice perch from where he can look down on the rest of us. Instead, he was so well-behaved and eager for my approval that he would step off my shoulder onto my hand as soon as I presented my hand to him. He spent a long time enthusiastically preening my face and hair, and generally showering me with his birdy care and affection.

You're nobody 'til somebody loves you.
- Dean Martin, amongst others.

Addendum: Some reports have come in to indicate that the "Ethan Hawke" mentioned in my Cornucopia post should be more correctly spelled "Viggo Mortensen". The mystery star really didn't look like Viggo to me, but then what do I know? I probably couldn't recognize him without an entourage of hobbits. At any rate, I think both men were at the TIFF last week, so it's also possible I spotted both of them, wearing the same suit and pulling a switcheroo in the middle.


Anonymous said...

What is the picture in "Feather Glue"? I can't tell what it is.

S said...

That's my feathered glue in the photo:

It's a close-up of Bird B after a good time in the shower... so his feathers are all wet!