Monday, April 23, 2007

Flying Free

We had a gorgeous storm today. Rain poured for about an hour with high winds blowing everything down. I let some rain and wind come inside and the flock loved it. This weather has spurred me on to do some Spring Cleaning, although it might be Summer Cleaning by the time I've made enough progress to call it a "cleaning".

Lately, it's been warming. So warm, in fact, that I didn't notice my pepper sprouts were getting too much sun beside the window, and they promptly withered and died. My thumb isn't brown anymore; it's outright black.

I've taken the birds outside a bit to enjoy the warmth. While I want them to get fresh air and sunlight, it makes me nervous that they get so excited whenever they're out. They call out to all the wild birds they hear and hold their wings slightly away from their bodies as if they're about to flap any moment. I'm torn between wanting them to enjoy some freedom and fearing that they'll panic, fly off and get into trouble. Freedom or security?

In response to some feedback about how pale they looked in the last set I posted, here are some unretouched, non-colour-corrected photos of the birds outside. Note that the high contrast from the direct sunlight has overexposed the brights, and my camera chose to properly expose the dark brown wall in shadow in the background.

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